Comments of #119448
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2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
so personally i found with dmc string that on the right chain i did three bf knots, on the middle i did 2 f knots and 2 b knots and on the left chain i did five fb knots. then on the green beginning i made a fb knot with one green string over the other green string and one of the white strings as the first knot in the green part of the pattern. for the middle bit i made the first pink/red knot a f knot over all but one red/pink string and then continued the pattern down after that. for the left most side i made the f knot first that’s at the top and then i did a fb knot with the white string onto the two white strings and the other red/pink string. then i did the pink/red bf knot on just the one white string that’s next. after that i just followed the pattern. at the end of the strawberry in the green section for the last knot (f knot) i made the f knot over both the left white string and the green string and then did the chain off of that. then on the left most side i did a fb knot over both the red/pink and other white string and then started the chain. for the middle section you can just bring the four middle most strings together at the end and start the chain.
2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
i wonder if you could braid the three chains to where they still end up in the correct position to continue to the next strawberry? i dunno but i’ve started making this but i’m definitely going to have to restart with more thread lol
2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
@martwa oh my gosh it look exactly like i imagined it that’s so awesome!! okay so i can sort of see how to do it now thank you so much!!
2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
@martwa could i see what it looks like? would you mind making it your profile picture for a minute or two?
2 years, 11 months ago by martwa
i finished one strawberry and it turned out ok
about the "chains" - i splitted strings into three sections (4 strings each), and do six fb knots on the right chain, six bf on the left chain, and on the middle one i alternated between fb and bf, and did 5 of them
2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
@martwa AAAA IM SO GLAD! and yes this one is intended to have all three ‘chains’. i have a different one that’s got one middle chain only but i really can’t see how to do it. i’m so glad you figured it out!!
2 years, 11 months ago by martwa
update y'all!!
sooo, I did, in fact, figure out how to make it (I hope it was intended to have not only right and left "chain" but also middle one - thats how i understood the pattern). I did one strawberry, didn't like how it turned out, changed method, and the next one was turning out okay, until I noticed I've made a mistake, and couldn't find where.
so I started over.
but I will finish it!!
2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
@martwa thank you so much you don’t have to make the whole thing if you don’t want to just one iteration of the pattern would be enough 🥹❤️🫶🏼
2 years, 11 months ago by chlorox
please tag me when someone makes this lol I want to see what it looks like
2 years, 11 months ago by Shreya_22
Wow creative pattern
I love ittttttt
2 years, 11 months ago by martwa
i could try to figure it out later, but cant promise anything
2 years, 11 months ago by crafter83
Um, idk. I’m also a visual learner, so I’d have to experiment while looking at the tutorial to decide what I’d do
2 years, 11 months ago by MTJewelry
@freezetta idk I’ve never made a pattern like this before but I bet there is a tut on YouTube
2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
@MTJewelry not yet maybe you wanna make one for me? 🥺
2 years, 11 months ago by MTJewelry
@freezetta lol idk if there is a vid tho
2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
@MTJewelry no i mean the pattern i made the pattern i can’t figure out how to actually make the bracelet. i need a tutorial for my own dang pattern 😂
2 years, 11 months ago by MTJewelry
@freezetta oh how does it look?
2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
@MTJewelry i know 😓 and i MADE the thing 😭
2 years, 11 months ago by MTJewelry
@freezetta ohhhh ya that looks confusing
2 years, 11 months ago by freezetta
@MTJewelry sorry i’m talking just about the first knot that is in the pattern on row 8 😅