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2 years, 10 months ago by minutcraft
Thank you @bunn for contributing to the normalisation of periods and the discussion of them. Just looking at the forum section of BB alone, I’ve observed that a lot of younger people with periods don’t have access to good information/mentors about periods and/or how to manage them/their cranks irl. So it’s great to help make BB that safe space where they can ask for advice.
2 years, 10 months ago by crafter83
Y’all chill 9 year olds can get periods and anyone younger then that definitely shouldn’t be online unsupervised so this isn’t “inappropriate” in any way. This exact reason is why I thought I was sick when I first had it and someone I knew thought they were dying of cancer
2 years, 10 months ago by bunn
@PugCakePop @mintycorgi exactly! Thank you for explaining it 🌹
2 years, 10 months ago by mintycorgi
@spacebunxs How is it not appropriate for this site? It’s not like it‘s something just for adults. The majority of people on this site are period-age, and having something like this pattern on here may remind them that they are not alone.
2 years, 10 months ago by PugCakePop
@Elliott_H exactly, because it is not normal to parade around naked. It is not something you can’t control. It’s not a bodily function. Periods are. THATS why they’re normal, because we cannot control them, and it is healthy to have regular periods. Comparing something completely under your control when you know it’s socially unacceptable (such as walking around naked) to a uncontrollable bodily function which is healthy to have (periods) is really what’s blatantly shock worthy
2 years, 10 months ago by PugCakePop
NORMALISE PERIODS!!! to all the people saying this is inappropriate and comparing it to “walking around naked” see walking around naked is not ok in culture- and the same thing has happened to periods. How does a bodily function get compared with walking around nude? I am someone who has periods, and even i find them gross and painful but it’s not something to be shamed about or made inappropriate. There are so many patterns of poop on this site, yet they aren’t shamed. Why, because it’s normal to poop. Just like it is healthy and normal for a woman to have periods. If people talk about pus, acne, defecation you might get grossed out but you don’t consider this inappropriate, do you? so why do the same with periods?
2 years, 10 months ago by bunn
@Kiwi_art @Alex_02 thank you for your understanding. I'm glad that you find it important to talk about. Greetings ❤️
2 years, 10 months ago by Alex_02
Hell yeah! Normalising periods is important, feminism is important, and expressing ourselves is important (even when our identity or issues are “controversial”). People getting offended over a basic biological function is honestly just silly.
2 years, 10 months ago by Kiwi_art
Ps. Bunn, you're doing great and I appreciate and applaud you for sharing this!
2 years, 10 months ago by Kiwi_art
And to anyone saying this isn't fit for this site I strongly disagree, this isn't something that's inappropriate or pg13, and many ppl on here have periods or soon will, they should all be educated on what's happening to their bodies. And males should too. I've seen so many videos and things online about men not knowing about periods and it's wild! Not saying you have to love it or agree, just don't silence others or be hateful!!
2 years, 10 months ago by Kiwi_art
Omgggg this is something I never knew I needed to make!! I'm definitely making period keychains to sell in the future. I feel like it'll be a great conversation starter, and periods should be talked about and normalized more! Thank you!! (:
2 years, 10 months ago by spacebunxs
there's nothing wrong with tampons but it is very inappropriate for this site
2 years, 10 months ago by bunn
I don't force you to like it, so stop convining everyone that posting it is "wrong". I appreciate this pattern, other people appreciate it too. Not everyone have to love it, that's fine. If you don't like it, just skip it. It is not my problem if tampon and other menstruation topics are inapprioprate for you. For mamy people they aren't, so nobody want to listen about following harmful "social restraints" and thinking that this pattern is wrong, because YOU think it is. Let people enjoy the pattern if they like it, because it doesn't show anything damaging. I think I expressed my opinion clearly enough.
Greeting for everyone, regardless of your opinion.
2 years, 10 months ago by bunn
@bluemoona There is nothing wrong with showing tampon on the internet, especially when it's just a pixel art. Another thing is that having period doesn't mean that you know your own body... Women don't know their own anatomy very often and they even don't try to get to know it, because they are learnt that their bodies are something that they should be ashamed of. And female mentor? Not everyone in the world has mentor of any gender to talk to. There is nothing wrong with seeing normalisation of period on the internet. When menstruation topics are showing up online more often, then people get used to it. Why do you think it's wrong? And you're always mentioning "talking to females". Don't you know that you can talk about period with people of any gender? It is NORMAL topic, at least it should be. You can talk about it with anyone, not only with females. It's another stereotype. And why do you think that this isn't the right place to post something like that? I made a tampon pattern so I decided to add it on braceletbook, because there is nothing wrong with that. Many people here appreciate it, so just leave it alone. I don't force you to like it, so stop convincing me or anyone that it is wrong. I don't really care about "social standards" - they tend to hurt people.
2 years, 10 months ago by Elliott_H
Anatomy and related things are natural, yet people don’t parade around naked. This does not belong here, and seems blatantly shock-worthy.
2 years, 10 months ago by mintycorgi
Awesome pattern @bunn , you tell it the way it is 🙌🏼
2 years, 10 months ago by bluemoona
If the pixels didn't mean anything then it would be fine. The pixels mean something, and that in my opinion is not something we should share on a public forum. Also how can you not know your own body when all women go through this once a month? besides if they don't know know their own body, the person needs to talk to a female mentor in their life, not someone online. I applaud you trying to make a difference, but this is not the place to do it. you can talk to your female friends about it,but posting it on braceletbook is in my opinion in-decent.
2 years, 10 months ago by bunn
It's not a photo of one's used tampon, but just a simple pattern, @bluemoona. Many women don't even know their own bodies and that is terrifying to me, to be honest. Menstruating people are constantly being put to shame, but what you find disgusting is some pixels on the screen, that look like tampon covered with blood. No one is forcing you to share anything with anyone, but not everyone is you. We have a right to share this with whoever we want and it's not a business of people, who are unhappy about it. Problem is somewhere else, so why are you all wasting energy showing your dissatisfaction about a tampon on the screen?
2 years, 10 months ago by bluemoona
I'm not ashamed,but I'm not going to share it with the whole world!
2 years, 10 months ago by bunn
I'm glad to hear that, @matsuri. I feel the same way and I hope that someday it will change. But it won't change on it's own. WE are the progress ❤️ I wish you all the best!