@18390648 personally of all main Demon Slayer's character I like Inosuke the most 😂 He's a moron with pretty face [I guess that why he wears his mask?]. Didn't you also notice which character your friend likes the most? 🤔
@SrahBcon thank you for the suggestion it’s really good thank you🙂 I have until April to do it so I think I will have time and I am one of those people who have a ton of bracelets I forgot to take a picture of… I’ll actually take a picture of one right now cause you reminded me and we all know im going to forget in ten minutes anyways haha😊
@18390648 I will say that this is a fairly large pattern. Based off the pictures you've posted, you might feel more comfortable doing a smaller pattern. If you really want to do this specific character, #127863 is a great alternative, similar idea, just more simplified. Beat of luck either way!
Hi @18390648 , thanks for reaching out! This is one of the main characters of the show named Inosuke. He wears a boar's head as a mask, which is what's in the pattern. I will say that the mask is pretty recognizable and if she really likes the show I doubt she wouldn't know who this represents. Hope this helps!
Hi🙂 I want to make this for a friend who loves demon slayer. I was just wondering if this is the right thing for her or if I should make something else. This might be a little confusing but I hope it’s not. @elliebear3@Loastouls I’m tagging you guys because you seem to know a little about demon slayer as you opened this pattern and commented on it. If anyone knows anything about demon slayer tag me and let me know please😊