@Pandaaa I set my pfp as the pattern :] it says “panda” in all three sizes you can just pick which one you like. Lmk if you need me to change it or make another one and I can lol
@Kiwi_art I would totally love that I tryed doing it and might have done it wrong now that you explained it I made a patter of my own with an added code. Oof 🙈
@Pandaaa there’s one space between the dots and dashes of the same letter, there’s three spaces between each full letter, and there’s seven spaces between each word. If you’d like I can make you a pattern and put it as my pfp :]
I would just like to note that I made a mistake with the largest “C” in this pattern, it’s supposed to be “—•—•” and I forgot to put the dot at the end :[