I've been looking for an easy pattern for a while...every bracelet I do comes out wrong in some way...I hope this works...if someone can help me please do! 👍
@Ranginak I don't know there's so many here..I only saw the one bracelet while doing a specific image search. I probably couldn't find it again. It's the one with fringe along each side.
@KindaCrazy Yeah, genau! The colours (you're welcome). It's those cunning details that make the difference. No matter how you look at it, it all makes sense. I do love it. Once I copied it, everyone will say "Oh, he is a crafty devil. And sensitive, too..."
@marcovaldo Oh- wait- I'm dense- You meant the colors? Thanks! I was thinking of it as two, separable bracelets that could still match but were distinctly different. That meant finding a common ground between them Lol black is an easy color to do that with.
@KindaCrazy Now, this is a braided pattern#1, no doubt. Great. And easy. And your pic is a real How-To. But the icing on the cake is the black parts connecting the two bracelets like knots. Envy. It's both beautiful and clever. I'm gonna steal it and pretend is was my own invention. Thank you und alles Gute.
My photo of this braided Dingsbums: there is an ancient tutorial "friendship bracelet braid" by @Maddi2001 which is nearly as ancient and simple as me. I love it. It`s about making three single-colour-bracelets using only rows of forward knots - like candy stripes without the stripes - and braiding them. Begin and end with two big knots, if you like. So easy. Joyful, joyful, I say.
Unpopular opinion: candystripe is harder than chevron. Since all the knots go the same way it stands on its side while you knot and it’s very annoying.