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Fishtail bracelet
by Adik
88.5% (13 ratings)
What you will need
- 8 strings
- tape
- safety pin

For fishtail bracelets you can use as many strings as you want depending on the thickness of the bracelet you want to achieve.
You can also use as many colors as you desire, or you can only use one or two.
Fold your strings in half and make a knot with one over the rest of them where they fold. Make sure all your strings are the same length after this step.
Take your safety pin and get it under that knot you made.
Attach the pin to your working space with the tape like in the picture.
Take your first string (both ends) and put them on top like in the picture. These will be your starting strings.
Take your right string and put it on the right side of your left section.
Now take your left string and put it on the left side of your right section.This is your first "row" of the bracelet.
You basically just repeat these two steps until the bracelet is long enough.

The beginning of the fishtail bracelet can we very tricky but after you made one row with each of your strings, all of your strings are going to settle in place and will be in the right order. So don't give up! 🙂
This is how my bracelet ended up!
I couldn't hold the strings properly because i had to take pictures so its not as nice as it could be 🙂

Happy tying!